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Don or die.
Exhibiting the macabre history of respiratory protection
The following are a number of links to Gas Mask-related websites and Youtube channels. These have been added in order to make it easier to find information about the Gas Mask collecting hobby. I hope that this page will be of a help to people who are looking for something of the sort. I will attempt to update this list as regularly as possible. If you'd like your website or Youtube channel to be on this list please contact me and I will add you to it as soon as I can.
Gasmasklexikon ( the late Johannes Möller's Collection)
Gas Masks UK (Danny Mcgurk's Collection)
DonOrDie's official facebook page
DonOrDie's official Instagram page
The GMCC (Gas Mask Collector's Community facebook group)
[this group belongs to gabriel borg and jeremy plum]
The GMCC's Auction House (facebook group)
[this group belongs to gabriel borg and jeremy plum]
FossumHistory (HÅkon Fossum's Collection)
GasMasksCollector Blog (Ramon Padilla's Collection)
Maski Przeciwgazowe (Marek kulig's collection)
Gasmaskking (mike tarr's collection)
geoffrey nicholsan photography "masque a gaz portfoilio"
(Geoffrey nicholsan's collection)
​ (Bart Wilkus' old collection)
Masqueagaz (Alexandre Hubert's Collection)
Gasmasksrule (Jared M elliott's Collection)
Old Gas mask photos in colour Facebook Page (Aidan Reale-Key's work)
gas mask voila ("seb's" collection - the owner of this
website is unknown)
Lukácsi lorinc's collection (Petr Hemerle's Collection)
gas (Filip Van Den Berghe's Collection)
Only Gas Masks (Eli Mcdaniel's Collection)
ChernyShev gas mask collection (Makc Chernyshev's collection)
Protivogas (This Site Doesn't Belong to a
Collector however it has a lot of information on russian masks)
Grindcoreisgod (my personal channel)
FirebirdJP (Jeremy Plum's Channel)
Retrorespirators (Dan McArthur's Channel)
148Scalemodeling (Matt Henggeler's Channel)
Samhain's Gas Masks (Samhain's Channel and collection)
Thegasmaskguy96 (Til Krahn's Channel)
gasmaskviking (Tynan Monroe's channel)
fossumhistory (HÅkon Fossum's Channel)
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